Dislike how you have two or three chins? Is your profile a little like Winston Churchill’s? Are you tired of listening to your friends telling you that diet and exercise will get rid of your double chin? “Just exercise and get rid of your body weight!” they say. Sounds good, but exercise and diet will not touch those double chins. Lose all the weight you want, but turkey wattle, double chins, and excess fat in your neck area will just not go away. Kybella is the only and the first FDA-approved treatment designed to remove the fat under the chin. Kybella is dispensed as a series of injections and is designed to destroy fat cells. The treatment does take time, and results are gradually produced, but they are produced.
Your profile or chin look is different from anyone else, so consult with your provider, who can tailor a treatment just for you. The number of treatments differs based on the amount of fat under your chin and your profile goals.
What Causes Double Chins?
Double chins and other fatty areas are notoriously difficult to reduce without treatment. Exercise and diet do not seem to work, and a double chin is a giveaway of your age. With that fat under your chin, no amount of laser treatment or dermal filler injection will help you look younger. You need the total package, including reducing a double chin to look your glowing best. Double chins result from genetics, poor diet, obesity, and double chins can result from your head posture, which causes the body to develop more muscles around the chin to offset how you hold your head. Other surprising causes of double chins can include underlying medical conditions. Salivary gland inflammation, salivary stones, gland infection, or gland inflammation. These problems can cause the chin area to swell, contributing to submental fullness. However, these inflammations can be medically treated.
Thyroid functions can also be a cause of double chins. Too much or too little of a particular hormone can lead to aesthetic issues like double chins. When the thyroid gland makes too little of the thyroid hormone, hypothyroidism is one common medical cause of puffiness under your chin. Hypothyroidism also contributes to weight gain, which causes double chins. Medical intervention can help with this cause of double chin. However, if your double chin results from excess fat deposits, there is an aesthetic remedy.
Kybella, a Great Double Chin Reducing Treatment
Kybella is a non-surgical injectable treatment using targeted fat-busting substances to minimize submental fat. Kybella is composed of a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, a molecule that breaks down the fat in your body. Deoxycholic acid is also produced in your body. Using injections of Kybella under the chin, fat cells are targeted, and double chins disappear. Kybella treatment is quick, has little downtime, and permanently destroys the membranes around fat cells. Once the membranes around the cells are destroyed, fat can no longer be stored in these cells. The body’s natural elimination and healing functions take over. In about four to six weeks later, your fat deposits are reduced or eliminated. As a result, you look younger and have fewer fat deposits.
In clinical trials used by the FDA, it was proved that those who gained weight after Kybella treatments did not regain fat in treated areas. The reason? Once the fat walls are destroyed, they will not return. Yes! Once you get rid of the fat cells in your double chin with Kybella, fat cells are gone forever, and your new sculpted chin remains. Do note; however, new fat cells can grow under your chin. To prevent this, you may need touch-up treatments of Kybella.
You can receive Kybella from your certified aesthetic provider and have little to no problems but talk to your professional about the process and if you are a good candidate. Kybella treatments take about 20 minutes, and the procedure is minimally invasive. You can return to your regular daily activities in less than 24 hours. Off-label, Kybella has shown promising results in getting rid of fat in other body areas, including the jowls, bra line, armpit folds, and inner thighs. To learn more about Kybella and its benefits, contact Glo Aesthetics in Rochester, MI, at https://gloaesthetics.com or call 248-759-5152.